Sunday, March 4, 2007

Books which influenced my thinking and could yours...

...well you know these books you have to read? First I had that "you have to" feeling in school :-). Remeber? The book is awesome boring, but you have to read the book to pass the examen.
That blog is exactly NOT about those books, but about books which are lightly written, well-argued and deftly assembeled, intelligent, engaging and proactive, simple, elegant and counterintuitive.

In one word: Striking

It's a collection of books I already read, but also about recommend books of friends, backpackers, collegues, ... which are on my personal reading ("Amazon") wishlist.
Enjoy this blog and share your opinions about the books you have already read and changed your thinking. Also don't hesitate to give recommendation to other "have to" read books.

I will start with a simple link list (note: The order doesn't mean that one book is better than another...) and enhance each section for each book by time: