So, safely arrived in Cambodia (AND NO LANDMINES :-))
Cambodian people are very nice and friendly people and the countryside is really great! We (Nick & Nadine from the Netherlands, I) visited today and yesterday the Temples of Angkor! Amazing stuff and a lot to see, I really can recommend to spend two days here! Great is to take a Tuk-Tuk (day = 15 Us Dollar) or as Nadine said, a Schmunk-Tuk...
Only take care of the kids around the temples, the only "one dolla" offer of any kind of products drives you after 5 hours mad... :-)
But I can confirm that they are ALWAYS very friendly and go away when u tell them (which is not the case in Bangkok!)
Anyway, was really great so far and I'm heading tomorrow to the capital Phnom Penh.
NOT TO FORGET: Of course I'll watch the Germans tonight playing! GOOOOOOO SCHLAAAAAAND!
DJ Schatzi? Well, that a funny story, I had with the Dutch guy. We recognized that Dutch and German is really very similar and I decided to learn Dutch. During a conversation with him, where we compared vocabularies, he mentioned that we have in Germany that "DJ Schatzi", but well he meant DJ Oetzi...
Talk to u soon.
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Hallo Sascha, nicht schlecht, nicht schlecht.
da wir uns ja leider nicht mehr erreicht haben und ich das irgendwie auch zu spaet kapiert habe das es schon so bald los geht...viel Spass auf Deiner Reise, bau keinen Mist, Erleb so viel das es fuer uns beide reicht und komm Gesund wieder :)
Danke fuer die Karte und die englischen Zeitschriften (der Autokatalog/Zeitschrift wird mich noch eine Weile beschaeftigen)!
schaue dann ab jetzt mal regelmaessig hier rein, mal sehen wieviele Dj Schatzi's Dir noch an den Kopf geworfen werden :)
Mit den besten Gruessen aus Mittelhessen
der eben um Haaresbreite einem Reh ausweichen konnte bei einer dreistelligen Km/h Zahl (*sigh*)
ctf b qcl m, [URL=]xxx tube[/URL]. hdb s, xwl xeommx|ofm sbloekw x bs kk.
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