Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ca-na-da picture upload

...in progress! (Greg's pictures still missing, will follow next week!)

Find all pictures in my Picasa album, here a preview:





Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Victoria > Seaplane > Vancouver

After we finished the stressful Victoria life (see example) and celebrated the intl. 'Talk like a Pirate Day' on Sept. 19th...

Typical Victoria day:
08:30 Get-up with hangover
09:00 Kellogg's massacre
10:00 12km beach run (<1h)
13:00 Pitcher beer and snack
15:00 Kayaking (2h)
17:00 2nd Pitcher beer
18:30 Sushi massacre
20:30 0.5L Jack Daniels
21:00 Meet the girls
22:00 Nightlife with tackling
??? Smished

(Or just meet a Playboy pornstar in Victoria or run a half marathon (21.1km, <2h)just for fun)

...we took the seeplane to Vancouver

Vancouver is an awesome city, only the yearly amount of 1200mm rain (Munich: 600mm) could be a reason not to live here. The good thing is, it only rains once a year, means is starts in October/November and ends in April/May :)

Some best practices in Vancouver:
1) Go to Irish Heather in Gastown, drink a coffee with Bailey's and Jameson whiskey
2) Go to a movie wrap-up party, see Owen Wilson
3) Go to Roxys, there's always somethin' goin' on!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pirate life @ Victoria, B.C.

Greg and Sascha are enjoying the PIRATE Life in Victoria! FlipFlops, shorts'n shirt, running, blading, drinking, gym, kayaking, drinking, party, volleyball, party, nature, sun, girls...

Victoria, BC - the place 2 be!

Best practices @ Victoria: Strathcona Hotel with rooftop and Beach volleyball fields, Mr. Hawaii push-ups and xtreme girl tackling...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Yes we're alive // Ja, wir leben noch!

In a nutshell: Toronto is very slow - some rare nice spots, but you need a few days 2 figure that out (well, women are ok :-)...you want party? GO 2 Seattle.

Seattle is so far awesome - very nice & open minded and layed back people, cheap alcohol, great location and party everywhere.

Tonight we check the location on the picture...

Ratzfatz: Toronto in Kanada ist mal ne langweilige Stadt - gibt nur einige gute Plaetze und man braucht Tage um sie zu entdecken (Maedels sind aber ok :-)

Zum Party machen: Ab nach Seattle - da geht einiges, heute Abend zum Beispiel 'siehe Bild...'


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Canada - we're comin'!

Greg & I are ready to enjoy the golden summer in Canada! Stay tuned for the latest pictures and news...!

So, nur noch 4 Tage und dann rocken wir Kanada! Immer am Ball bleiben damit ihr die neusten Updates und Bilder mitbekommt!